Journey of Relaxation
A Journey of Relaxation down the eastern coast of the United States of America stopping at many public beaches or parks on the Atlantic ocean.I started this journey of relaxation because I have often wondered where the sounds I listen to come from. Each time I go to a beach it sounds a little different and I want share this with everyone.Each episode will be from a time and place that are unique.
Journey of Relaxation
84th Stop, Gooseberry Island, September 16, 2021 1:00 pm
Have you ever wondered where the relaxing sounds you listen to come from? When you take this Journey of Relaxation with me you will know exactly where and when it was recorded.
These relaxing sounds are coming to you from Gooseberry Island on September 16, 2021 at 1:00 pm.
Go see the pictures and videos on the links below.
New intro
Take a moment to find the beauty of nature every day,
Duchess of the Dunes